Concerning container ships coming from ports of the East Coast of America heading to South and South East Asian ports .

The first and second paragraph of the first Article, circular 2/2016 shall be amended to read as follows :

    1. Container ships coming from port of Norfolk and its northern ports heading to the ports of ( Port Kelang and its eastern Ports) shall be granted a reduction of 45% .
    2. Container ships coming from ports south of port of Norfolk heading to :
      1. Ports of Port Kelang and its eastern ports shall be granted reduction of 65% .
      2. Ports of Colombo and its eastern ports located just up to port of “Port Kelang” shall be granted reduction of 55%
    3. Reduction rates mentioned above shall be calculated only from ( the applicable transit tolls as per the table of dues + additional dues of extra tiers of containers ) .

The other three articles shall remain unchanged .

To see Circular Press here


Director of Transit Department

( Eng . Mahmoud Beshary )