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SCZone development plan that envisions logistics, shipping and industrial development at three primary nodes along the canal — Ismailia, Ain Sokhna-Suez and Port Said. The development project at Port Said is generally considered to be the most important part of the overall plan, with thousands of acres available for development of additional port, logistics and […]
On container ships coming from ports of the east coast of America heading to south east Asian ports Article One – Upon the requirements of Suez Canal users and for attracting more ships to transit the Canal, the SCA announces the following :- 1) Extending the range of the grantedreduction stated in the circularNo.3/2015 to the north up to […]
Further to Article 58 of SC Rules of navigation edition of August 2015 concerning escorting tugs according to the S.C net tonnage of transiting vessels, shipping agencies of vessels that transit for the first time must submit the following documents at enough time before transit ( one week at least ): Suez Canal tonnage certificate […]
Source : Department of Journalism/ ق س Admiral Mohab Mameesh SignsMOU with Singapore-based PSA International for the Study of DevelopmentPotentials , Operation, Marketing and Management of a New Container Terminal inEast Port Said Basin Admiral Mohab Mameesh, Chairman of theSuez Canal Authority, signed a Memo of Understanding with Singapore-based PSAInternational for the study of development […]
INTERSHIP proffers flexible and adaptable solutions to operational challenges in the New Suez Canal Project that enable client success. The below photo shows INTERSHIP team supervising safe delivery of a food container to CSD PHOENIX, one of the 36 dredgers working in the new canal project. The project includes digging of 35km of a new […]
Starting May 15, individual tourists wishing to visit Egypt should apply online for the visas or go to the nearest Egyptian consulates in their countries, the cost of the Egyptian visas will remain the same as the old price which was $15 per person.
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INTERSHIP is proudly supporting challenge consortium in the new Suez Canal dredging project, one of the largest in recent history. Some of the world’s top dredging companies are taking part in this capital project which is designed to enlarge the transit capacity and to increase industrial activity in the area.
Suez Canal Circular No 2/2015 regarding Suez Canal Dues for the year 2015